Survival Community! 1.20.6!

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Bedrock, Java, and ViveCraft support!

Minecraft Frog


New Lands Survival is a public survival server with a relaxing vibe, friendly community, and hard difficulty survival! We always run on the latest version, too! Scroll down to learn more.

Word community with arrow pointing to Discord


We protect your game with optional PVP, self-service land protection, and active admins ready to help! Your builds are completely safe with GriefPrevention land claiming, and PVP is always off unless you choose to enable it.

Digital art of Minecraft style castle
Digital art of a Minecraft map


There's a whole world to explore, custom enchantments to discover, and skills to level up! Our world is 50K by 50K and every player starts somewhere new... where will your adventure begin?

Minecraft Allay

Join Now!

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